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New PricePad... Grow your sales!

Increased sales generally means increased profit and the best way to increase sales is by efficiently targeting your market and with the assistance of the Deceuninck Price Pad an increase in quality sales volume is all but guaranteed. The PricePad is an electronic ordering and pricing program that makes it easier for installers to sell to home owners by allowing the Salesperson to engage directly with and guide the customers by demonstrating the choice – design and cost of the windows and door styles that are best suited to their home.

If you are a retailer who is growing increasingly frustrated that you are not growing your business as quickly as you would like Price Pad which is designed to be easy to operate and which creates professional and accurate quotations that will impress your customers may be just the assistance you are looking for.


  • Available for desktop, tablet and phone

  • Increase your sales & Grow your business

  • Save time & money, no need for salesmen

  • New My Brand... Tailored literature and sales tools

    Deceuninck care about their brand and their image because they know that in the glazing industry reputation is everything – that reputation also rests upon the ability of all of their retailers to present themselves in a professional and correct manner, which is why they offer their retailers the maximum of assistance with everything you need to help your business grow. This assistance takes the form of the MyBrand suite of tailored literature and sales tools comprising everything from branding assistance to bespoke brochures to posters all designed by Deceuninck expert design team.

    Change your style change your image change the brand Deceunincks experts can help with assistance with direct mailing and E Shots – you decide what you want to change and we will show you how. The branding suite includes all of the following:

    • Bespoke Brochures
    • Posters
    • Rollfolds
    • Direct Mail
    • Inserts
    • E-shots, and more!
    • Literature Folders

    New... Installer Pro

    Keeping up to date in a changing world of regulations is never easy but help is now at hand in the shape of Installer Pro a new service that allows Installers to prove to their customers that not only are they compliant with the current mandatory regulations, they are also right up to date with hot topics in the industry Window Energy Ratings, Minimum Technical Competency (MTC) and mandatory Insurance Backed Guarantees. Taking advantage of this service could not be easier simply register on line and take advantage of the following –

    • InstallerPro is cheaper with online registration of all jobs
    • It’s easier to pay because there’s a monthly fee, not a large annual charge prior to Christmas
    • Trust Mark comes as standard. There’s no additional charge for registration unlike other schemes.


    Free... Image Gallery Support

    Take away the pain of having to aim your camera at what you consider to be the best of your installations – why worry about the composure, the contrast or the lighting when there is professional assistance at hand. Put the days of the do it yourself or the expensive professional photographic shoot behind you and take advantage of the Deceuninck ultimate gallery support package, with access to over 500 photographs all of which are guaranteed to display the product of your choice in the best possible light. All of these photographs are high quality, high resolution which means that they are ideal for websites, printing and any other marketing vehicle of your preference.

    Save your camera for your holidays and take advantage of the Image Gallery support today.